Reizen is iets wat de meeste mensen maar wat graag doen. Helaas is het niet altijd even makkelijk voor iedereen. In de vorige post delen vijf moedige vrouwen hun verhaal en ervaringen over reizen met (iemand die) een handicap/ziekte/beperking/hoe je het ook wilt noemen (heeft). Velen lazen het bericht en we hebben er veel positieve reacties op gekregen. Daarom is hier de vervolg post, een paar andere, dappere vrouwen delen hun verhaal om anderen aan te moedigen. Nog steeds hebben zij allen gemeen dat ze hun dromen najagen en niet bang zijn om nog grotere dromen te dromen!
Andrea Goldstein, van The Fearless Flashpacker, diende voor zeven jaar in het leger. De sporen daarvan zijn nog steeds voelbaar in haar lichaam.. In dit stukje hieronder verteld ze hoe reizen haar helpt:
even think you could get it. After a gruesome year of treatment, I was determined to get back to my travels. I now have to do things slightly different. I am registered disabled due to side effects from medication and chemotherapy but because I now look better people think it’s over and I’m back to normal but I’m not.
Now i plan my travel with rest breaks as I suffer from fatigue, take more comfortable travel arrangements I have recently discovered cruising and it’s now my passion. I’m still getting to see the places I want but someone else worries about getting us there it’s a stress free way to travel.Even though the diagnosis was scary I have become such a stronger person. I now live today as though it’s my last and do what I can instead of putting things off until another day
Keri, co-editor van Ladies what travel, verteld hoe ze omgaat met haar onzichtbare, auto-immuun ziekte. Hoewel haar trips veel planning vergen gaat ze door en is ze vastbesloten om veel van de wereld te zien. Dit stuk hieronder is een ingekorte versie van de originele post die zij schreef voor haar eigen site.
For almost half my life I’ve been living with post-thrombotic syndrome after having an extensive blood clot in the deep veins of my waist and legs when I was 22-years-old.
Caused by an autoimmune disease called APS, my body will never fully recover, yet outwardly I look normal. I no longer use a wheelchair, and try when possible not to rely on my walking stick, but even so most of the time I suffer from fatigue, my legs are painful and swollen and my back will hurt.
Travelling with an invisible illness isn’t always easy, but with research and planning I’ve learnt (almost) anything is possible.
I have to check how flat or hilly a destination is, what the public transport is like and book suitable accommodation that has amenities like lifts and baths.
I need to find out how far apart attractions are, how easy they are to get to, how much walking is involved in the activity and I’m always clued up on where all the nice cafes are before we arrive, as I use these as rest points whenever I’m walking between destinations.
The flights themselves are the things I dread most because I get sore, swollen and often bruise heavily, but I remind myself they’re a means to an end. These days I can cope with short flights ok, but for long-haul flights I have to request a bulkhead seat so I can raise my legs up against the wall.
In the early days I wondered if I’d ever make it to New Zealand, but I did. I found a way to visit Mount Fuji and I’ve even tried snorkelling.
There are still days now when I feel sorry for myself and focus on the things I’m no longer able to do, but then I remember what I’ve managed to achieve even with my condition. My travels may involve more thought and planning than the average person but I won’t ever let my condition stop me from seeing the world!
Jeannette Cheney, van Traveling Honeybird, deelt haar verhaal over hoe de diagnose van endometriose kreeg en hoe zij daar mee omgaat terwijl ze op reis is.
It’s really easy to think about saying no. To have deep and considerate thought about making the decision to say no. To accept the potential consequences of your decision to say no. That’s easy. The challenge isn’t in the decision but in the follow through. Actually saying no, committing yourself to this cause of action and dealing with the any consequences which may come back and try to slap you in the face. Eight years ago I was faced with such a decision.
My body hated me. I fluctuated between bursts of energy to levels of exhaustion which would have impressed a sloth. I had trouble sleeping. And I peed like a pregnant lady more often than not. This made me perhaps the worst road trip partner in the universe. I was 22 and lost within a vicious circle. My body and I had started having a few disagreements and issue in my early teens. Our bad attitude only continued to worsen and the struggle became near unbearable. In protest to simple day to day requests my body induced fainting. On nights when sleep was needed most my body ached with unexplainable pain. My stomach tortured me with hunger pains only to reject any delicacies offered. Despite living in a so called developed country I found little to no assistance from the medical community. For over 6 years I expressed my concerns, bared my soul and even shed a few tears to doctors. Again and again I heard the same thing- It’s a phase. You’ll grow out of it. Just eat healthily and exercise. Get a good nights sleep. So the cycle went on.
Graag wil ik Andrea, Jeannette, Jeni en Keri bedanken voor het delen van hun verhaal! Ik ben van mening dat het goed is om over een (onzichtbare) handicap of ziekte te praten. Door er open over te zijn creëren we begrip. Het kan andere inspireren om hun dromen of passie te volgen, ongeacht hun mankementen. (:
Mocht je de verhalen hierboven inspirerend vinden, vergeet dan niet om het eerste deel van Traveling with a handicap: yes you can! te lezen
Wat is jouw ervaring met medicatie of medische problemen op reis? Deel het hieronder.
Stuk voor stuk stoere vrouwen. Ik snap het heel goed, dat ze ondanks alles toch “gewoon” op reis gaan. Ooit had ik zelf dagelijks heel veel pijn en in de periode dat ze na anderhalf jaar onderzoeken niks hadden kunnen vinden verkochten we ons huis en boekten een enkeltje Bangkok. Onder het mom van “beter daar gelukkig MET pijn dan hier balen van het niet op reis zijn met alsnog pijn. Korte tijd later werd ontdekt waar mijn pijn vandaan kwam en na 2 operaties en een uitgesteld vertrek alsnog (zonder pijn) op reis vertrokken. 18 Heerlijke maanden gehad. Mooi om de verhalen van die 5 vrouwen hierboven te lezen… zeker inspirerend!
Wat goed om te horen dat het verholpen is Yvonne! 18 maanden zonder extra problemen op reis is toch mooi meegenomen! (:
Thanks for sharing our stories Yalou, you women are all amazing and I’m so proud to appear alongside you! K x
Thank you for sharing your story Keri! (:
Oh this post is so inspiring. Well done ladies x
Thank you Liska! (: